Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Statue, Zathyn Priest

A very touching story written by my all time favorite author.
-Review by Cindi

This review was originally posted on Goodreads on May 25, 2012, the day after its release.  While going through my favorite books of 2012 I realized that none of my Zathyn Priest reviews were posted on this blog.  Considering that this author is my all-time favorite (of all genres) I felt that it was way past time to rectify that.  It should also be noted that this book almost goes in a direction that I normally find myself avoiding when it comes to the books I read.  Thankfully, it is written so well that I was able to get beyond that particular part of the story.

The Statue

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of this author.  If anyone asks me for a book recommendation my response is always "Zathyn Priest.  Pick one."  So I was very happy when he announced that this book was coming out.  One thing I love about him is that he cares more about the quality of his work than the quantity.  Which means that he doesn't do what seems like a book a week as some authors do just to say they have something new out.  Sure, it sometimes takes awhile for a new book to come out but it makes it that much more special in my opinion. 

With that being said, I will say what I loved about this story.  First off, the dedication.  Not only does he dedicate the book to his husband (Sam) but he also dedicates it to two total strangers who he has seen only in passing.  Each (including Sam's) was very special.  I had not even started reading the actual book and I was already touched.

As with all of this author's work, there is really no way that I can do a review justice so I won't go into a long, drawn out description.  The blurb does that.  But what I will say is that once again  he takes an unusual subject and not only makes it seem believable but probable.  Zane is a patient at a mental facility where Tristan (a reporter) and Mark (a photographer) go to cover a story. Tristan is in a long term relationship with Eli.  The relationship has gotten dull and Mark has made his interest in Tristan known.  To say anymore than that would be too telling.

I really loved this story.  I would be smiling one minute and teary the next.  The characters (with the exception of one) are all amazing.  Zane is simply perfect.  As with another story by this author that also touches on mental illness, the wisdom comes not from the so-called sane characters but the one who supposedly isn't.  While Zane has his own problems he is the character who has the most insight and wisdom.  The way everything comes together is perfect.

I know going into everything this author writes that I will love it.  That has never happened with any other author and I read A LOT.  With Zathyn Priest it is a given.  The art (as always) is beautiful and adds even more to the story.

Another excellent story by Zathyn Priest.


  1. I am so buying this book. I have only read The Curtis Reincarnation, and that was good, but this sounds very interesting to me.

    1. It's amazing. He took a very odd subject and made it real. I loved this and everything else he's ever written. Just make sure you read the dedication page. Critical. :)
