Thursday 13 December 2012

Dirty Drag (Dirty Shorts), Kyle Adams

Dirty Drag

Another sexy short by my favorite writer of quickies.
- Review by Cindi

I am such a fan of this author and I tend to stalk his Goodreads page for information on new releases.  Easy to do considering he is a Goodreads friend.  While I knew about this short, I did not know that it had already been released.  I missed it by a day.  I don't do that. I always try to read his work on the day of release.  Thankfully, I was able to grab it as soon as I noticed it and stopped reading something else to jump into it.  The other book can wait. :)

I don't normally post reviews on this blog for super short stories.  Dirty Drag is super short, read by me in only a few minutes.  Because of my love of all things written by Kyle Adams I am making an exception in this case as far as a blog post is concerned.  

Ashley is on a mission to prove a point.  He wants to prove that he can pass as a woman in a dive bar.  He wants to find a guy, blow him and then move on quickly before the man finds out he's not a female.  It doesn't quite happen that way.  The first man to approach Ashley in the bar is a redneck with the worst pick up lines ever.  He is dispatched quickly.  The next one, however, is different.  Rick is a sexy man who obviously wants Ashley but Rick has plans other than having Ashley blow him quickly under the table and then take off.  

This is a quick, very sexy read.  Both characters are perfect for the story.  As mentioned above, there is not much to this as it is only a few pages, but this author has once again put so much in those few pages that I did not feel cheated.  I always end his books wanting more but never not satisfied with the resolution.

Another great read by Kyle Adams.

The cover is amazing.


  1. I am going to read this today. I love the 'dirty' Kyle Adams he he. Glorious cover. Good stalking, Cindi.

    1. It's easy to stalk your Goodreads friends... lol I knew about the cover (and liked it on GR a few days ago) but I didn't know the date of release for the short (I was a bit busy for a few days so I missed a lot.. ;) Classic Kyle Adams.

    2. Now I've read it I can see just how good the cover really is. Good little read!
