Some enjoyable Christmas BDSM kink with stories by some top-notch authors.
This review is divided up under name of story and author in exact author-order as listed above.
- Review by Kazza K
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Topper, by Jane Davitt (M/M)
use of wrapping paper
Stan and Martin are having Christmas together but
Stan is being bratty, difficult, he doesn't seem to want any of the tree
ornaments Martin suggests, or argues over the lights for the tree. Stan also
doesn't seem to want the BDSM lifestyle very much anymore and Martin has been
infected by his Stan's mood for months -
It was humiliating to know that Stan had minimal
respect for him these days. Affection, yes, but no respect.
“I don’t appreciate being called ‘stupid,’” he said,
forcing his voice deeper. “I think you need a reminder of who you are, boy.”
Stan tossed the lights aside and winked at him
before composing his features into a semblance of penitence. "I’m sorry,
Sir. I know I’ve been behaving badly.”
Martin moved from the couch to a straight-backed
dining chair and patted his lap. "Over my knee.” Stan rose and took a step
toward Martin, a faintly triumphant smirk on his lips. Resentment at the
falsity of it all turned Martin’s annoyance to anger. He snapped his fingers
and then pointed to the floor. “
No. On your knees. Crawl to me and beg for your
punishment.” Stan arched his eyebrows skeptically, the unspoken Really? making
Martin flush and swallow hard to quell his embarrassment as his confidence drained
Martin feels at a loss about the relationship about
his ability to Dom, he even swore at his sub, Stan. So he's off to get lights
and reflect. Martin hasn't been a Dom for a long time. He's still learning.
When Martin returns Stan is in the bathroom with a nosebleed. Martin notices
some back and forth messages on the computer between Stan and his ex, Neal, who
Stan never talks about, trying to cyber dominate him, including some very
eye-openingly unpleasant details about what subbing for Neal must have entailed
What happens to you when you’re disrespectful?
I don’t
remember. I have to go.
Tell me. Now.
Or I’ll send your teddy bear some pictures of you. Nasty ones. The ones you
begged me to delete.....
Fine. The soap for my mouth, the ruler for my hands,
the cane for the backs of my legs, and the small cage for as long as it takes
me to remember what I am.
This is the catlyst for communication about how
ineffectual Martin has been feeling, how frustrated that Stan rebuffs his
advances, needs and desires as his Dom. Stan lays it out that he's lost his
inner sub and needs Martin to Dominate him, help him find his way back, and
mean it. So they've been needing the right D/s relationship, only they had
lost their way.
So, how to do it without frightening Stan, because
his last experience was a bad one - including Neal refusing to acknowledge
Stan's safeword. How to do it without making Martin feel even more inadequate -
he feels he's failed Stan by not knowing only assuming, and he's relatively new
to the stronger pain Stan needs.
They agree
to a fresh start with solid ground rules drawn up. Making their lifestyle
choice a safe and enjoyable one, for them both. Christmas is a good place to
start and start they did!
This was a really nice contemporary, light, BDSM
tale with two sweet characters, a nice touch with something negative becoming a
positive catalyst for relationship changes. I really iked it.
the Night, by Ava March (M/M)
use of full names.
25, 1820
Percival Owens has spent Christmas Day with his
family and now he is going to see someone that he has a rendezvous with -
will expect you at eight in the evening on Christmas Day.
A short note. One line was all that was needed. And
that one line had been foremost in his thoughts since he’d received the note
yesterday morning.
Shame washed over him, familiar and
unavoidable. He knew exactly what would transpire when he arrived at Michael’s
home. Well, perhaps not exactly. Michael made the decisions. Percy merely did
as bid.
he wanted to do as bid. Needed Michael to take control. Wanted that large hand
to palm the back of his skull. Wanted to be told to suck Michael’s cock.
To be bound and restrained. To be buggered and spanked. To let Michael do all
sorts of wicked things to him no self-respecting gentleman should allow.
Yet he did allow them. When he was with
Michael, all those wicked things didn’t feel quite so . . . wrong.
didn’t feel so wrong.
Percival Owens is a clerk who's family are
social climbers and wish for him to be a Barrister, against his wishes.
Percival is happy doing what he does. However he's not a boat-rocker. He also
meets Michael Barlow, his lover of several months, for submission to him. Percival
has issues. Issues with standing up for himself, issues with desiring to be
dominated. He asks for nothing in his sexual encounters with Michael and that
worries Michael. So this Christmas, after Michael give Percival a present he
asks for one in return. That Percival ask for his Dominance, what he desires in
the bedroom....whatever Percival desires Michael will do. Percival is unsure.
He lacks confidence, feels unworthy, feels depraved. So this is a big ask.
Michael, a self assured man, knows what he wants. He endeavours to reassure
Percival that it takes strength to submit, amongst other things -
"Strength takes many forms. The strongest
of us are those who own our desires, both inside the bedchamber and outside of
it. What we do in this room is not wrong. Having a need to submit to another is
not wrong. Giving voice to your needs is most assuredly not wrong.”
Summation -
Nice Regency piece. My lord! This is one sexy story.
Michael and Percival are freaking-darn-hot-stuff together. Nice sentiments and
a lovely, happy ending. Light on the D/s perfect for the anthology. I loved it.
by Katie Porter ( F/F)
+ Kink.
Emma is meeting Rachel, ma'am, for one last
"hurrah," before Rachel leaves for her job in Tokyo. Rachel is leaving
Emma behind. Rachel believes people never stay and Emma will be no different. She
can't be the full-time relationship type. Emma wants the full-time
relationship, with Rachel. So they have a room overlooking Times Square,
together they're saying a sexy, emotional goodbye, with the dress Rachel
picked out for Emma -
ma’am loved red in all forms: the clothes Emma wore, the shade of her hair, and
especially the way Emma’s ass and back flamed when abused.
Rachel has a big exit night worked out for her girl
“Would you
like to know my plans, little girl?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A nasty, gorgeous grin shaped her mouth. “It’s
New Year’s Eve. And I’m going to make you into my own personal fireworks
Emma makes it known she wants more. Rachel is good at
playing, but Emma is her girl
wasn’t just her beauty. It was the way she submitted, like a leaf bending under
a breeze. She gave and Rachel took and that was the way they worked.
was amazing.
Summation -
This story is more emotional than the first two,
quite a bit of pain is used to numb the feelings (particularly biting), for
both women. You get both character's POV. I liked the emotions, the thoughts, the sex, the
angst. However I kept thinking no matter how much I love glitter, and I do, it
would land in...irritating places. I really liked it.
that a candycane in your hand? Or are just happy to....
Stephen is coerced
annually, for four years it seems, into shopping with Nathan, buying for his family. Having to spend
Christmas, and the holidays, with other shoppers in malls buying presents, and
then dealing with family, particularly Nathan's family -
is just one of the things in my life that my mom doesn’t like, and when she
starts dipping into the eggnog truth serum, I get to hear about all of those
things. So does Stephen, from his sneer-worthy job as owner of a body shop to
that "unsightly" dragon he's had tattooed on his arm in memory of a
dear friend. Merry fucking Christmas.
However, Stephen sees something that makes year
number four at the mall...interesting
dart around the edge of the aisle, and, good Lord, the man is smiling. Not like
a kid on Christmas. Not like someone who’s just gotten in touch with his inner
Christmas spirit child or whatever.
Oh, no. I know that look.
And he’s holding up a candy cane that’s got to be
three feet long and easily as thick as—
fold my arms across my chest and tilt my head. “And just what have you gotten
into, Ebenezer?”
He looks me right in the eye and smacks his palm with the candy cane. When the
sharp sound makes me shiver, he grins even bigger. “Can you imagine the thud
you could get out of something like this?”
Some communication follows about needing ways to
spice up their sex life and Nathan is left wondering whether he'll get that
candy cane used on him or not; as Stephen likes to take his time and draw out
what he does. It seems Christmas Eve, the night for going to Nathan's parents
is the night Stephen wants to play with his sub –
hooks his finger over the edge and tugs gently, pulling the towel completely
free. “You won’t be needing that.”
lift my gaze, and when our eyes meet, I can barely breathe. He’s got that look
that says I won’t be able to walk by the time we’re done here. And for the
billionth time over the last almost five years, I silently send up a thank-you
to whoever dropped us into each other’s lives, because damn
It seems the candy cane has brought some Christmas
'traditions' to an end.
This story was witty, very sexy and all told from
Nathan's POV yet both characters had a good depth. Communication and a lesson
learned on self-respect and family can be found here in L A Wiit's contribution.
I loved it.
Angel, by Joey W. Hill (M/M)
use of Christmas lights...and The Littlest Angel.
Robert owns a vintage toy shop in Charlotte, and when we first meet him he is reflecting about meeting Ange six months prior. About when he found him out the back of
his shop beaten up. Oddly enough, even in that state, Ange fixed a toy jockey
on a horse -
fix things people don’t think to fix . . .
Robert remembers telling Ange he's to go to the hospital. Ange
says he'll be okay. However, Robert insists. Robert is an in-charge kind of guy
and Ange's gentle, submissive, yet sure nature appeals. Especially his use of
the word sir -
"Yes, sir,” he muttered.Robert gave his jaw a reproving tap. “What was that?”
“Yes, sir,” Ange said more respectfully, with a quick glance up. When his fingers slipped out from under Robert’s and caressed his wrist with a shy touch, a spark flickered, reminding Robert what it was to want. That touch dared him to be a Master once more.
Robert has known sadness. Plus his sub/bottom didn't want to be around Robert during difficult times. But now he's met Ange and he seems different...gorgeous, submissive -
The vibe Ange put out was so strong he couldn’t resist it. He’d hung up the paddle, hadn’t taken on a new sub since . . . since everything had shut down. But apparently his desire to take charge, exert control, figure out the right combination to win willing surrender, wasn’t as dead as he thought. And it was coming back to life with an injured homeless man. How desperate was that?With Ange now working for Robert they get to know each other. Robert can't resist Ange anymore. When it's close to Christmas they really get to know one another in the Master-slave kind of way, and it is hot. The story really is a mix of sexy, raw, and sweet, with some true Christmas spirit thrown in.
This story contained two very nice characters. I
loved Ange and his innocence. His wise sayings. I loved Robert’s in-charge, yet
caring nature. They were both carrying baggage and needed each other. A lovely
tale, very descriptive writing, lovely build to their special night together,
and you just know forever. The musical selection mentioned throughout was just
a beautiful touch, I thought. Plus it had ballet terminology - I could imagine
Ange doing fouettes and tour en l'aire's in the snow. I loved
Return, by Elyan Smith. (Trans. Menage)
Coming to terms with acceptance...
This story is an interesting one and, quite frankly,
would have been much better served in a longer format of novella or book. Zach
has come back home to his small, Illinois, town where he was once Hannah. Back to
Scott and Laura, who are a couple with children now. He was in a menage with
them fifteen years ago. They have always accepted him as Zach. He hasn't
forgotten them, and while they are shocked he's back -
didn’t expect you to come back,” Scott started. “And even if you had, it’s been
fifteen years.
...they (warily) seem keen after Zach tells them
what he's feeling -
“I miss it. I
miss you, both of you. That’s just . . . all I have.”
looked up at them. “I’d like to give it a shot, for a few hours one evening
just to see, one way or another. If that’s what you’re offering, I’d like
It appears Hannah has had gender reassignment - no
breasts, enlarged clitoris - to complete the physical transformation into Zach,
it's a little cryptic in the pages allotted. Much like his sunglasses - I get
it they give him a feeling of protection, he always has them on his person
somewhere - but more please. And then there's the guy at the local shop he
used to go to school with, who calls him 'a freak.' It's all interesting stuff but
not allowed the pages to develop into something more important.
It fits into the Dom/sub theme of the anthology, as
Zach is the submissive to both Scott and Laura.
This story kept me off balance. The characters were
more difficult to get to know because of the subject and the length. I do like
something that makes me think and that stands out, and this certainly did both. The
ending is hopeful but with fluidity, much like Zach and his menage. I really liked it.
Out the Old and In the New, by Alexa Snow (M/M)
use of persistence, love and a gift….
Russell is trying to convince his partner, Evan, that
they should be going to their good friend’s Grace and Charlotte’s as per usual
on Christmas Eve. Only Evan is balking, he’s scared to go out after an incident has left him scared,
but Russell knows it’s time for change -
been endlessly patient with you,” Russell said.” You’ve been through a
difficult time, I know that, but you can’t continue like this. It isn’t
healthy.”“I just don’t want to go, all right?” But this was a lost cause if Russell was finally putting his foot down. “This one time. Why does it have to be such a big deal?”
“Because you’re hiding,” Russell said. “No, look at me.
months ago, Russell’s command voice would have had Evan scrambling to obey,
possibly even sliding off the sofa to kneel on the floor. That bastard on the
Tube had changed everything, even this.
Russell does use his Dom persistence and genuine
love to help Evan, as do friends, and a personal realisation.
Very sweet little story. Nice characters, with meaning,
heart and sexiness. I liked it.
deserves one last chance.
have until midnight tonight.
Hotel. Suite 501. Now
Drew is rushing to meet his Dom, Kingsley, with the
above instructions. Drew doesn’t want to be late as he feels he has already
rocked the D/s boat -
you remember what you said just before I joined you and your friends at your
table?” Kingsley asked, his tone sharp enough to cut through such hazy
recollection with ease.
said, ‘My master doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body. Kingsley doesn’t do
love, he does leather.’ But it wasn’t intended as a criticism, sir. I swear, I
didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I’d never make fun of you, no matter how drunk
I was. If anything, I was boasting that my dom is better than all their doms
put together!"
bit his lip as he fought back all the excuses he wanted to make. Kingsley
didn’t do excuses. Hell, Drew had worked that out even before he’d realised
Kingsley didn’t do love.
Kingsley wants to show Drew what he can do as his
Dom. Does leather and romance sit well together? Drew thinks that this will be the mother-lode
of punishments that he will have to accept. Both POV are shown and it makes for
interesting reading. Seeing how easy it is for people to have misunderstandings
– everyone deserves one last chance. Who
has the right idea Drew or Kingsley?
–Much like Jane Davitt’s first story, Tree Topper, there is a theme of (mis) communication here. Delivered differently, but still sexy, although I found Kingsley a bit too stiff-upper-lip for me; I still enjoy their play. Finding love can be very pleasurable indeed! I liked it.
The Anthology Overall
All up, the play in the book was full of toys, different
adventures, sexy interplay, creativity, different adult relationships and
responsible play – no-one went where their partner didn’t want to, no-one
played when they were intoxicated or drugged. A fun anthology with the
Christmas holiday season and charity firmly in mind. Plenty of very enjoyable reads here. There’s
not one story I would rate under 3 stars. Most would be up around 4 stars. My
picks of the book goes to L A Witt, Ava March and Joey W Hill.
Great review, as always. This makes me even more eager to bump it up on my reading list. How can it not be amazing with the authors that contributed to it? Wow.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love how a portion of the proceeds will be going to good charities. That makes me want to read it even more.
I think the charity is a good one, I was talking to my daughter about it actually. Anthologies are funny things. They can be so hit and miss all in the one book, but the authors in this one made it a really good read.