The best anthology I have ever read.
- Review by Kazza K
by Kayla Jameth , C.C. Williams , Tilly Hunter , Julian Siminski , Stevie Woods , Jeff Mann , Kenzie Mathews, James Thorpby, K. Vale, Michael Roberts, Salome Wilde, Steve Rudd, Barry Brennessel, Richard May, Landon Dixon, Rob Rosen
1) 1000 BC, C.C. Williams

A M/M retelling of the story of David and Goliath. Some good fictional storytelling amongst some period/era facts are here. Not bad at all the way the author pulled it all together based around the biblical story. Jonathon, King Saul's son, falls hard for the young shepherd turned hero, David. David turns from a shy, unsure youth into a secure, confident partner for Jonathon. Interestingly, Jonathon and David were friends and Jonathon was considerably older, in the biblical accounts. Just another fact, Jonathon never sort the kingship and was never jealous of David. So 1000 BC was very interesting.
2) 496 AD, Kayla Jameth see review link here -
3) 27AD, Tilly Hunter
Well. Wasn't this one kinky little number! I do like some kinky, rough sex. And while this is a short it delivers a quick fix. Lucius is a Roman Centurion whose legion has just been defeated by lesser trained but feisty "barbarians." Lucius is taken prisoner, roped and marched along behind Finian, his captor. He is tied to a pole, and despite his discomfort, he is turned on. He has never admitted his desire for such treatment before -

"Please fuck me, my liege." I moaned despite my vow not to plead. "Please," I begged.
"You should learn I don't give into pleas," he said. the more desperately you beg, the longer I will make you wait, and perhaps, even then I will fuck you with the hilt of your sword rather than favor you with my cock."
Good use of a sword, in multiple ways. I liked it!
4) 130 AD, Julian Siminski

5) 794 AD Stevie Woods
Norseman are about to raid a local priory and the local Baron calls his vassal's to arms against the marauders. Amongst the vassals are neighbours, Aland and Garrick. They are worried about the outcome of the fight, they have never been in one before, even more so because they are lovers and in love with one another. This little story didn't really make me feel like I was transported to another time but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I liked the message of the difficulties of loving another man when there are social requirements to take a wife, still happens now. But then, in this time, you needed children to help on the farm, to grow food and survive. There was some sweet dialogue between the lovers -

"I can't expect that of you," Aland declared. "You must take a wife."
6) 1066 AD Jeff Mann *very slight spoiler alert*

This short runs the full emotional gamut. Thorir is a Viking waiting on his lover, Eirik, in his lover's cabin, when an armed "Orcadian" enters from behind him. Thorir is blindfolded, bound, and gagged for the "Orcadian's" pleasure. You know where it is going, The Orcadian is in fact his lover Eirik, and they are role playing. Oh. Yeah! Mighty bloody sexy I might add -
"I'm going to have you, my well trussed warrior. I'm going to ride you. On your side. On your belly. On your back. Deep within you, you will take my man-seed."

I don't want to say any more because it will spoil this short. It packs a lot into a few pages. It showcases a lot of emotions and meaning. I know one thing, I'm off looking for more Jeff Mann books very shortly. A tissue warning is also in place.
7) 1576 AD Kenzie Mathews
Another interesting read. This time set in Venice, which I don't often read much about. This story is set during the 1576 plague where fearful, superstitious people had to blame someone for the body count, whether they be vampire, witch or Jew -
Papa might have trusted the Jews, but the rest of Italia most definitely did not.
At first I could not stand Cesare, the cocky young noble whose family use the services of Tuviya's family for accounting. Tuviya's family are Jewish, and at the time of what could be another plague some money has been...misappropriated?, leaving Tuviya to pay the price for the deeds created by his father. I have to say that this would have been so much better as a novella or novel as there were bits and pieces that could have been expanded on much better. The anti semitism is an interesting back story here and obviously being a M/M there is that forbidden sex element as well. The sex here is tinged in humiliation and ownership, which I don't mind. I liked the writing. I just wanted a bit more.
8) 1822 AD James Thorpby

This was sexy, sexy, sexy reading and had me laughing out loud at the description of McCloud's HUGE cock, and balls -
Mosby winced as the older man's horsecock ploughed deep inside him.

9) 1865 AD K. Vale
"Tomorrow could be our last day on earth," Ammon began. "If I fall on the battlefield, I want to know I've loved you completely - that I gave you my heart as well as my body, Ben." The words sliced through Ben like a bayonet. Every day he lived in fear of losing Ammon, of one or the other of them being cut down.

This is one of the most romantic shorts in this anthology. Set during the time of the Civil War, Ben dreams of his times spent with Ammon, his best friend and lover. Ben has been sent home after losing his right hand/fingers in battle, but Ammon still fights for the Union. I really loved how the author made you strongly feel the sentiments about the difficulties facing young men in battle. Having to keep love a secret was definitely an encompassing theme. This was short but beautiful. Another author I've not heard of who needs to write more. Definitely have a tissue ready.
10) 1881 AD Michael Roberts
Eric has developed a time machine that has allowed him to go back and forth through time. It just so happens that he has grabbed Billy the Kid mid,er, bonk and transported him back with him to current day. Billy learns that Eric is of the same-sex persuasion and is giving him some stick about it.

Eric wants to learn more about Billy from an intellectual standpoint. Was Billy as pragmatic as Eric thought when it came to sex with men as well as "wimmen?" A time travel tale that doesn't take itself too seriously and is just a bit random. And, ah, no thanks on Billy the Kid and his odorous cock.
11) 1889 AD Salome Wilde
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."
Karl Marx the Communist Manifesto
A young Jewish immigrant fleeing Czarist Russia meets a charismatic man on his voyage via Amsterdam to the USA. J. speaks of "comrades" and has a Marxist outlook, initially making our narrator nervous then showing him kindness in the face of the great loss of his family. Salome Wilde did a terrific job of bringing the trip alive and the characters in such a short word count. There is some beautiful writing in this short -

I arch and buck into what I have before this togetherness known as wrong, unholy, savage. No, that is untrue: had I known men could lie together so, I would have judged it as monstrous. But when J. nurtures me to such bliss, to uncontrolled eruption? There is no truth but our truth, no sin but in denying the perfect beauty of our youthful sameness, shared fully and without reservation.
The two men, whilst loving one another, have different paths. J. as a man believing in a growing political ideal and J. believing in the traditions of a devout Jew, including beliefs of having family so his family's name can live on, living a new life in this new land.
12) 1890 AD Steve Rudd
Shem Locheart sees a poster for jobs with Buffalo Bill's Wild West and he saw it as a chance to get out of his town. Didn't matter that he wasn't much of a cook he could read and write which put him ahead of the game.

The west it was shrinking from what it once was, but in that camp of ours, well now, it was just as wild as it ever was.
I enjoyed this short. I'd have to say it's pretty much PWP, which I do enjoy. They all had big cocks - no objections. Originally there was sex between two men, Shem and Wayne, then Wayne brought in a third for a nice interracial menage It was pretty raw and sweaty sex with some nice dirty talk. Oh, yeah. I liked it
Then he looked up at me with a curious grin. "Um, you ever ride a man like a bull rides a cow?" he asked.....
"Yeah, partner," he moaned softly. "Break that hole in."
13) 1909 AD Barry Brennessel

"I can't get enough of kissing you," Fig whispered.
14) 1916 AD Richard May
All I can say is this is the most beautiful storytelling. I'm giving a whole tissue box warning for this short gem.

We were assigned to different units on distant parts of the line. It came down to a letter from his sister to tell me he was dead, killed at Marne.
Two years on I still dreamt of us and wondered if Woffeths heard me moan at night, if so, what he thought the moans were for.
Another private is bought into his regiment, Higgins. New, wet behind the ears and leaving Jack to ponder how long he will last given all he has seen and experienced since volunteering in 1914. Life expectancy in the trenches was not often long, particularly at this stage of the war.

On leave Jack and Higgins cross paths and discover more about one another than commanding officer and private -
I must have been staring, because I became conscious that he was too. I saw the interest and hunger in his eyes. I should have turned away for many reasons: class, the fact that I was his commanding officer, but he didn't and I didn't and there we were: on the other side of the looking glass with no way back.
Another short but terrific read. Richard May hit this short for a six!
15) 1957 AD Landon Dixon

A PI gets down on his knees for Solly who, um, uses his services in more ways than one. Said PI has the chance to go inside a game show to see if it is rigged, as is suspected by another stations executive. PI gets more than he expected from the game show and its very obliging host. I laughed out loud at some of the writing, not in a bad way, it was very entertaining -
My real passion was thespian not gumshoe, but I hadn't gotten the breaks.
"Acting!?" Solly snorted a laugh all over my dreams. "Do a soliloquy on my dick; that's your acting gig.
"Good glory! I gasped. staring down at the telegenic man with the tonsil-buried cock - my cock.
A lot of fun with some vernacular of the time and some action from all quarters - yes, the casting
couch was very much alive

It is sad to say that I understood the music, the times and actually had the triple vinyl LP of Woodstock. Can remember the music like it was yesterday. *Memories*

Well. I've finished this anthology and I'm sad it's over. I could have kept going. This is the best anthology I have ever read. It is well edited, in every sense of the word, the stories all well written. They may have been short but not one missed the mark. Out of 16 shorts 15 would have been given 4 or 5 stars from me and one would have received 3.5 stars, that is pretty darn good. I have found some new authors I am just dying to read more of although, sadly, some don't appear to have anything else out. If I'm wrong please correct me. If some authors are using pseudonyms please let me know the other names they/you write under because I'm keen on reading more. I highly recommend this anthology to those people who like a stroll through time. You don't have to be a history loving M/M reader as these stories all touch on a point of love is love, no matter who, no matter where, no matter when and I promise you you will find something you really like in this collection.
Fantastic review for what appears to be a great collection of stories. It's something when you read an anthology of this length and seriously enjoy each and every story. I've never had that happen in any anthology I have read and I've read a lot. There's always one that doesn't do it for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to review each story so well. I'm not one for anything historical usually but this review has made me want to download and start reading.
And the pictures? Awesome as always. ;)
Thank you to you, my supportive blog buddy. I really enjoyed this anthology. Loved the picture-finding as well, but some eras are a cow to find anything on :) You know what a really good idea is? To read your review before you post it. I just read it and had to correct so much, sheesh. So me, lol.
DeleteThanks so much for taking the time to review! You made my day. :) I also write M/F published under Kimber Vale. So far I only have short stories out, but my first novel should be available around June from Liquid Silver (it's a M/F sci-fi erotic romance).
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome. Thanks for commenting. When I feel passionate about something I just have to put it down in a review :) I loved this anthology and your story was so lovely.
DeleteI read both M/F and sci-fi erotic, as well as other genres, so I must be on the look out for your writing.