Sunday 12 August 2012

MORE, Sloan Parker

I read this a while ago BUT I am now keenly awaiting a copy of this in paperback to add to my favourites, so I thought I would add it to my blog spot while I wait.

- Review by Kazza K

When I first started reading this I thought, oh here we go first person from one character only, not going to be for me. I was wrong, it definitely was for me. Once I started getting into it I thoroughly enjoyed the book's unfolding from Luke's perspective. I think had it not been from his perspective I may not have grown to like him as I did.

Luke did not start or end as my favourite character, which could have been an obstacle as it was his POV that we saw the story through. It wasn't though, he definitely did grow on me, and I loved seeing him get what he actually needed, not what he thought he needed or his father wanted to fuck his head up with. For a while Luke could be angry, I thought I was reading the start of one chapter over as they both started with front door slamming and key tossing, but no, Luke was just frustrated and uptight. Having to watch over your shoulder, retrace your steps all the time and not being able to get close to others would definitely do your head in. Having a father such as his would make the stoutest of individuals angry and disillusioned.

There is much more to the other characters than we see in "More". Richard, for all his confidence, bravado and caring, needs to have his feelings shared more indepth. Matthew for all his giggly, sweet, funloving ways has more emotional depth to share with us as well. Having said that, you do get to know quite a bit about the other two in the menage through good writing and Richard's ability to get a conversation going with Luke and Matthew.

This menage really works and is as sexy as hell. It is sweet, interesting, all the characters are nice in their own ways. I read the book quickly, enjoying Luke, Richard and Matthew's growing relationship. The sex scenes never got tiresome for me, and the storytelling was never compromised because of the frequent sex.

Goddamn it! Richard is a fabulous character, I loved him. He was prepared to talk and to listen. No matter what Luke's father threw at him. I was so glad he never took it out on Luke or Matthew. He really wanted this relationship, you could just feel his heart bouncing off the pages. Richard is one of my all time favourite fictional characters.

Matthew is a real conduit between everyone, making things happen. His loving enthusiasm is infectious to the other two (older) men. Life had thrown him a couple of curve balls,but he was so youthfully upbeat and positive.

I also thought Walter was a fabulous friend and secondary character. He gave Luke good advice, never having some secret agenda. Walter would make for an interesting read in his own right.

Luke's father was a right bastard and the dynamic with his wife, Luke's mother, was typical of a dysfunctional marriage. Once again well written.

Terrific book, sexy as all get out (lord, sizzling kissing), endearing MC's, just great menage reading all 'round. I'm glad to hear that Sloan Parker is writing Walter's story, can't wait to hear whether Richard and Matthew get their own as well.

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