Thursday 1 November 2012

The Best Dentist in Orange County, Tony-Paul de Vissage


Off-beat, short vampire ebook with teeth!

- Review by Kazza K

This is a humorous, little ebook which actually opens with a little tale called Idenity Theft. I enjoyed it. However, the main story is The Best Dentist in Orange County and that's what my review is about. I know that this blogpsot does focus heavily on romantic/erotic writing, but this really isn't in either of those categories. I do branch out. Two days, two books with neither.

The Best Dentist in Orange CountyDomingo is a 500+ year old vampire who has taken a bite out of a particularly thick necked surfer, and now finds himself with a toothache. Or is that fang-ache? Doesn't matter, either way Domingo has to find a dentist. His ever practical sister, Liseta, who he lives with, finds a local dentist who works at night and Dom is ready to go and have his tooth seen to.

That's the basic premise really. But it's the journey that is the most fun. Dom and his sister are originally from Spain, but now live in America. I liked the logic behind moving to/living in California, how easy it was to fit in -

When at last they arrived in California, the state had already acquired the reputation of being tolerant to unusual life forms, and was nearly overrun with actors, dancers, and other exotic denizens of the night.

The writing is nice, funny, smart. There's some historical facts thrown in and it was very well edited with a nice use of the English language. I would have liked just a bit more, but that's okay, I knew it was short going in.

I haven't heard of Tony-Paul de Vissage before but I feel he's worth getting to know better as a writer. If you like humorous, off-beat short reads, and you're partial to a paranormal/vampire theme, here is a short but interesting read that just might appeal.


  1. Nah, we focus on whatever looks good at the time.. :) We are diverse that way. This looks like an entertaining short. Funny, neither of us read a lot of vampire-type books but yet we both post a review about vampires within hours of each other.

    I'll have to check this one out. Great review.

    1. Thanks, Cindi. I'll read anything that catches my eye. I'm kooky too, and if it has an off-beat humour I'm on it :)

    2. Actually I read quite a few vampire books. A lot of them aren't on here or GR. Yes. I know. Bad Karen :)

  2. Just received a Google alert about this and must say, "Merci!" Any time you wish to see others of my writing, don't hesitate to ask. I search for Reviewers. Currently have 3 novels and 3 novelettes and another due out in December.

    1. You're welcome for the review. I enjoyed the book. I shall look at your others now.

  3. Kazza K...Any chance I can cozen you into posting your review on the Silver Publishing website so my publisher will know I'm not just a "flash in the pan"? Under the cover on the left side, there's a place to click "Write A Review":

    1. I rarely post reviews on Publishers sites, however I have transferred this across, with a couple of modifications :) I'll ask you a favour. If you like the reviews you see on here please join our blogspot. It's not being going very long (June this year) but we have fantastic numbers coming through and reading our reviews.

      Cheers, Tony-Paul


    2. *That would be been going*

  4. Thank you for this valuable information and in waiting for more from you. I regularly spend much time on lust looking for some worthy sites when I can find something to read. San Jose Dentist

    1. Hi, Sanjose san. Nice to hear from you. I enjoyed this book, it's a little different, well written and fun :)

