- On Top Down Under Book Reviews has officially moved! As of August 2013 On Top Down Under Book Reviews is at a new site listed below under "Links." Please come join us at the new visually dynamic site.
There will be no more reviews posted on this site.
As of August 9th, 2013, On Top Down Under Book Reviews has moved to a new WordPress book review blog. Cindi and Kazza K are still the primary reviewers. The new look is modern and allows for much more detailed information on each review - such as page number of the book, publisher, genre of the book, rating, buy links, reviewer break down, author break down, and more. Our home page is a cover fetishist dream, with large covers of the books reviewed - front and centre - on our home page. Simply hover over a cover for the abbreviated information or click on the cover to enter the full review. There is a link to our Facebook page, and for those who like it a bit raunchier, our tumblr page.
For the home page - http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/
For our about page: http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/about/the-blog/
To Join Our New Site:
If you look at the bottom right of screen on the new site you will see a "Follow" pop-up. If you would like to follow us, and we hope you will, please add your email address there and confirm with the email that follows it up. It is discreet, your name is not displayed anywhere, and you will receive a condensed digest of the books reviewed all in one email.
If you look at the bottom right of screen on the new site you will see a "Follow" pop-up. If you would like to follow us, and we hope you will, please add your email address there and confirm with the email that follows it up. It is discreet, your name is not displayed anywhere, and you will receive a condensed digest of the books reviewed all in one email.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, email us at the address below or click our pictures on the right of this post and send us an individual Goodreads message or contact us at ondownunderbookreviews@gmail.com . Any and all email addresses given will remain confidential. We go to great lengths to keep our own personal information private and respect the need for privacy and anonymity.
We are excited to see what is in store for On Top Down Under Book Reviews in the coming years. We look forward to sharing that growth with you, our members. Thank you for your support of this blog and we hope it continues to the new one.
Cindi and Kazza K